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DONATE | SHOP | NEWS | ABOUT US | December 8, 2021

Have you noticed that plant milks have become more popular in recent years? Have you wondered why that is? The reason is that more people are refusing to accept the cruelty that comes with consuming dairy products and they want to be part of the solution -- for animals, for the environment and for their own health.

This video, The Dairy Industry: The Life of a Cow, tells the real story of the suffering behind the dairy industry, as uncovered by our brave investigators. This torture and neglect only exists so humans can consume cow dairy products, made from the milk nature intended for baby cows. 

Cows are impregnated through artificial insemination by insertion of a metal tube when they are just 13 months old. They are pregnant for around nine months during which they often spend their days in tightly packed conditions standing in thick feces and filth.

When given the chance, mother cows care for their young for around seven months, forming tight, loving bonds with them. In the dairy industry, calves are taken from their mothers within hours of birth. These cows who want nothing more than to nurture their babies cry out for them when they are cruelly ripped away.
On dairy farms, calves are taken from their mothers almost immediately.
Will you help create a better world for cows? All donations made between now and December 31 will be matched dollar-for-dollar up to $125,000 thanks to an incredibly generous donor.

These calves are born into the same horrific conditions as their mothers. Male calves are considered useless by the dairy industry because they can’t produce milk. They are raised for meat or sometimes just left to die

Females fare no better. Calves are fed milk replacer so humans can consume the milk intended for them. Often, they will be treated violently, including kicking, sometimes in the face or other sensitive areas, twisting or lifting  by the tail, which can cause bones to break, hitting with hard objects, such as a cane or in the face with bottles, punching, throwing, and shocking with electric prods. Cows are sometimes hoisted and dragged by a metal “hip clamp” chained to a tractor, sprayed with high-pressure hoses, and subjected to repeated ineffective kill attempts with either a captive bolt pistol or a gun. They are not shown an ounce of kindness. They are simply seen as a commodity that will soon be impregnated to produce milk for profit. 
A worker kicks a cow. 
When given the opportunity to live a life free of cruelty, cows can live up to 20 years. Cows farmed for milk are typically sent to slaughter after only five or six years, once their milk production drops. 

Once she reaches the slaughterhouse, she may be shocked with electrical prods and sprayed with high pressure hoses to keep her moving down the slaughter line and closer to her death. She will be stunned by a bolt gun, but could remain conscious after the first shot. She may need to be shot multiple times, and even then she may be hoisted upside down by one leg while still thrashing. Then her throat is slit. After living a tormented life, she experiences a horrifying death.
Donate Now to Double Your Impact for Cows Farmed for Milk
The dairy industry continues to treat cows so horrifically because they think people will keep supporting them by buying their products. You can help take away the demand for these products and take away their power over these animals - and us. Switching to vegan alternatives will spare these remarkable, sentient animals from this torture. You can find out more about changing to a vegan diet for these animals by visiting

Your kindness and generosity can change the way we treat the animals with whom we share this planet. Will you help us to continue to expose the suffering forced upon cows and other farmed animals? Your donation today will be matched and have twice the impact in building a kinder tomorrow for all animals. 

With gratitude,

Cheryl Leahy
Executive Director
P.S. Would you consider becoming a monthly donor to help animals year-round? The first 50 supporters who sign up to become a monthly donor of $20 or more will receive an Animal Outlook messenger bag containing products and samples from 12 awesome vegan companies as a special thank you from us.*

*Thank you gifts will be sent after the 3rd monthly donation has been received.
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