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Economic Democracy Weekly

Today’s Economic Democracy Weekly examines the intersection of models of community ownership and power building. In the concluding article of our community development leaders of color series, Tony Pickett writes about how community land ownership must be a matched with a value shift toward radical empathy to achieve racial and economic justice. A second article examines how community finance leaders view the current moment—and the need to match project-based support with effective advocacy. Relatedly, a third article profiles how movement leaders aim to build power to change the economy. Lastly, we feature a video clip from an organizer who advocates combining organizing traditions to set the stage for transformative change. 

Envisioning Radical Empathy for Community Land Ownership and Prosperity

Community-based models of land ownership show great promise to reduce the nation’s wealth gap. But a culture rooted in radical empathy is also required. Read more...
10 Secrets for a Successful Auction
Unlock 10 auction secrets using FrontStream’s exclusive BiddingforGood digital fundraising platform. With over 200,000 monthly visitors and 1.7 million caused-mind bidders, BiddingForGood helps nonprofits expand their reach and increase their revenue with these successful auction secrets!
Download FrontStream’s eGuide

CDFI Leaders Consider How Best to Advance “Finance Justice” Agenda

Amid the economic response to COVID-19, CDFIs expanded to meet the need. At their annual conference, sector leaders considered how to build on those gains. Read more...
Unlock crypto generosity this season
Find out how a new tool is making it possible for every 501(c)3 charity in the U.S. to easily accept Bitcoin and other crypto donations.
Learn more

Building Power to Remake the Economy: Six Movement Lessons

At an economics conference panel this fall, social movement leaders discussed some key lessons they’ve learned in the face of COVID-19 and the movement against anti-Black racism. Read more...

Fundraising Toolkit: Donor Retention
You’ve most likely heard the fundamental notion that it is less expensive to maintain the donors that you have than to acquire new ones. Gravyty's toolkit can help you do just that.
Download your toolkit here

How to Weave Organizing Traditions Together to Advance Systemic Change

To remake the economy requires systemic vision, relationship building, and scale. It also requires learning from the best of multiple organizing traditions. Watch the video and read more…
Evaluating Nonprofit Software: A Guided Workbook
Use this workbook and the included resources to guide your planning, evaluation, and decision-making activities as you explore the best solution for your nonprofit.
Download the Guide here.
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