December 8, 2021
As you already know, SHARK's drone work exposing the Lowe Zoo is part of Carol Baskin's Cage Fight Docuseries. SHARK's drone work is also featured in the Tiger King 2 - Episode 4 Docuseries on Netflix. Be sure to check them out!

Tigers pacing in small enclosure at Lowe Zoo.

In 2020, SHARK discovered the L&L Game Farm, owned by cockfighter Brent Easterling in Verbena, AL. SHARK provided local and state authorities information and drone video of this rooster breeding farm (below).

On Friday, June 11, 2021, federal authorities busted this property. See video here.
An October 29, 2021 press release from the U.S. Department of Justice states:
A federal grand jury returned a 23-count indictment this week charging seven Verbena, Alabama, residents with conspiracy to violate the Animal Welfare Act and to operate an illegal gambling business, among other violations, in connection with a large-scale cockfighting and fighting bird breeding operation.
William Colon “Big Jim” Easterling, 75; Brent Colon Easterling, 37; Kassi Brook Easterling, 38; William Tyler Easterling, 29; George William “Billy” Easterling, 55; and Thomas Glyn “Junior” Williams, 33, were charged this week with one count of conspiracy to violate the Animal Welfare Act and to operate an illegal gambling business since at least 2018, the DOJ said. Amber Nicole Easterling, 23 was also charged with operating an illegal gambling business. Tyler Easterling was additionally charged with violating the Migratory Bird Treaty Act for allegedly capturing and killing a great horned owl.
The Easterlings also operated three fighting bird breeding operations adjacent to each other, one owned and operated by “Big Jim” Easterling; one called L&L Gamefarm, owned and operated by Brent and Kassi Easterling; and one called Swift Creek Gamefarm, owned and operated by Billy and Tyler Easterling with help from Junior Williams.
The defendants face up to five years in federal prison if convicted on the Animal Welfare Act violations and operating an illegal gambling business charges.
Tyler Easterling faces up to six months in prison if convicted of violating the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

Cockfighting is illegal nationwide - on both the state and federal level, yet Kentucky law enforcement refuses to stop these cruel and dangerous events.
The roosters need you to help stop cockfighting!
Please sign and share the petition HERE, and for more information see the video link below:
Sign Petition to Investigate Kentucky State Police!

SHARK was contacted by Desiree Flanery, Director of Pitful Paws Rescue regarding a horrible case of dog and rabbit cruelty. See video here.
Shockingly, Lawrence County, OH Prosecutor Brigham Anderson has dropped the charges against animal abuser Ruben "Ted" Sprouse!
Please contact the Lawrence County Prosector’s Office and respectfully demand maximum charges be reinstated against Ruben "Ted" Sprouse and that the rabbits and remaining dogs be immediately removed and transferred to rescue groups for proper care!
Please call: (740)533-4360
or email using this link
and/or post on their Facebook page here
Please advise SHARK of any response you receive.

As many of you know, the reason cockfighting is so prevalent nationwide is because of law enforcement corruption. SHARK is acknowledging Kentucky State Police Post 9, as the most corrupt state police post in Kentucky headed up by Captain Randall Surber. Post 9 allows two of the state's biggest cockfight locations - Blackberry and Hawk's Nest, to continue their criminal operations endangering the citizens in those communities. See video here.

Please contact Captain Surber and respectfully let him know what you think of his refusal to properly perform his job and protect the citizens of Kentucky at: [email protected]. You can copy his Commanding Officer Major Darren Stapleton at: [email protected].
Please advise SHARK of any response you receive.

Ready to meet the property owner of a cockfight pit? See video here.

Owner of Blackberry cockfighting pit - "Perry."

When you donate to SHARK, the money goes to our effective field investigations for the animals - not for exorbitant salaries or wasted on fundraising firms. Our volunteer president Steve Hindi has never been paid, while literally risking his life for the animals along with our other investigators on the killing fields.