34th European Green Party Council
The Council has brought together our Green family - this time online - to decide on a joint political trajectory for the next period ahead!
Resolutions put into writing our common positions and are voted on at the Council. At the 34th Council, we adopted 12 resolutions, on topics at the forefront of the Green agenda at this time such as dismantling fortress Europe, solidarity for Lebanon, strengthening resilience in municipalities, and much more! We also announced our new campaigns.
2022 will be an important year for the European Green movement, with many key elections and other political milestones. We are pleased to announce the location of the 35th European Green Party Council on 3 to 5 June: Riga, Latvia!
We look forward to meeting with you all again next year!
The impact of Germany’s new government on European affairs : An interview with Jamila Schäfer
After a period of coalition negotiations, the Traffic Light coalition – composed of the red-yellow-green parties the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD), the Free Democratic Party (FDP) and the Alliance 90/The Greens (German Greens) – have now decided on an agreement for a coalition government. That makes Germany the 6th country with Greens in government in the EU, joining Austria, Belgium, Finland, Ireland, Luxembourg!
We interviewed the party’s International Secretary Jamila Schäfer, to find out more about the positive impact that the party will have on democracy, human rights, addressing the climate crisis, and much more!
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Slowing down during the winter holiday period
Please note that between Friday, 24 December and Monday, 3 January 2022, we will slow down our office activities.
Film screening: the Green Screen
The Green Screen: stream ‘Youth Unstoppable' for free. The Rise of the Global Youth Climate Movement
On December 15-16, you can watch the documentary ‘Youth Unstoppable' by Slater Jewell-Kemker.
From age 15 till now, Slater Jewell-Kemker takes us to the frontlines of the Global Youth Climate Movement. Over the course of 12 years and set against stunning visuals of a planet in crisis, it follows the evolution of a diverse network of youth rising up to shape the world they will live in.
Following the screening of the documentary film ‘Youth Unstoppable’, we are hosting a debate on Thursday 16 December at 19:30 CET. This month, we will reflect on how the global youth climate movement has been instrumental in bringing the climate fight to the forefront of public attention and politics.
News from our member parties
Elections in Bulgaria: 2 seats for The Green Movement
Congratulations to our member party The Green Movement (Зелено движение) for their results in the Bulgarian parliamentary elections!
The party gained two MPs: Vladislav Panev and Zornitsa Stratieva within the Democratic Bulgaria coalition, and they will likely give the Minister for Environment and Water in the next Bulgarian government. They will fight for clean air and water, a healthy environment for everyone, justice reform and a Bulgaria without discrimination within the National Assembly and in the Bulgarian government. We are looking forward to seeing a more just, fair and green Bulgaria!
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Congress of Catalunya En Comú
Our member party Catalunya En Comú hosted their third Congress on 20-21 November. We congratulate the newly elected board, new national Council and to Ada Colau, Jéssica Albiach and Candela López for their re-election as coordinators! We are looking forward to working with them for a Green Catalonia.
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Convention of the Green Party Ireland
Congratulations to the Green Party Ireland on a successful convention at the end of November. It was a pleasure to be there with, represented by our General Secretary, Mar Garcia. We would like to thank you for your tireless work to make a greener, fairer Ireland!
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We congratulate Irène Kälin who has been elected as the President of the Swiss Parliament! We are very proud and happy to see a Green politician in this position, and we wish Irène Kälin all the best for her mandate! Join the conversation on Twitter.
We also congratulate Sylvie Bonvin-Sansonnens of Les Vert·e·s Fribourg, the only woman elected to the Fribourg State Council in Switzerland following elections at the end of November. We wish her the best for her mandate! Join the conversation on Twitter.
Podcast: Green Talking Heads
In this episode, Climate Campaigner Rheanna Johnston is in conversation with European Green Party Committee Member Oras Tynkkynen and Terhi Lehtonen, State Secretary of the Finnish Ministry of Environment. Recorded at COP26, they discuss the climate summit negotiations, and what actions Green leaders are taking to tackle the climate crisis.
Last Push To End Cruel Animal Transport
On Thursday, 2 December, the European Parliament’s Inquiry Committee on Animal Transport wrapped up its work. While the Committee’s recommendations are promising, ahead of a decisive plenary vote in January, a crucial component is missing: limiting maximum journeys to 8 hours. TILT, animal rights groups and Green MEPs are organising to ensure true progress on animal welfare in January – join us!
Follow us on social media to keep up to date with the latest news. Here are some of the most important stories from the last weeks.
News from partner organizations
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European Greens © 2021 Funded by the European Parliament. Sole liability remains with the author.