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Dear John,


Are you free to join us for an exciting webinar discussion tomorrow afternoon?


Topic: Money and lies: what's wrong with our economy and why we can't fix it

Who: Author Jack Mosse and Positive Money’s head of policy and advocacy Simon Youel

When: Thursday 9th December, 4 - 5pm GMT

What's wrong with the UK economy? Tomorrow, author Jack Mosse and Simon Youel will discuss the UK economy, how and why we misunderstand it, who’s to blame, and why it leaves us feeling both angry and frustrated.


The discussion will explore Jack’s new book, 'The pound and the fury: Why anger and confusion reign in an economy paralysed by myth', around three main talking points:


- How do we make sense of the public’s confused understanding of the economy?

- Is it possible to re-structure the economy towards a fairer greener settlement?

- What are the practical options that we could take to change the economy?


Jack recently wrote a guest blog for the Positive Money website, where he introduces some of his thinking.


About 'The pound and the fury'


For decades, our economy has failed to work for ordinary citizens: stagnant wages have been combined with underemployment and rising costs of basic goods like healthcare, education and housing. At the same time, a small minority of the population make obscene profits, while in the background we continue to hurtle headlong into an environmental emergency. While there is no shortage of anger and anti-elite sentiment, no significant challenge to the dominant economic model has yet broken into the mainstream.


The pound and the fury argues that behind this failure of imagination are a set of myths about how the economy works - myths that stifle debate and block change. This book analyses the origins of these myths and how they might be dispelled at a time when, away from the public gaze, economic theory is opening up new possibilities of economic action. Possibilities that, as we emerge from the chaos of COVID-19, could lead to the radical structural changes we desperately need.


John, if you’re free, we’d love to see you tomorrow for a rich discussion on this important topic. Click the button below to sign up for this free webinar.


Topic: Money and lies: what's wrong with our economy and why we can't fix it

When: Thursday 9th December, 4 - 5pm GMT


Thanks for all you do,


Rachel, Nicole and the rest of the Positive Money team

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