Dear John,
One hungry child in America is too many. Nearly 12 million is a tragedy.
It shouldn’t be this way. It doesn't have to be this way.
That’s why we’re launching a campaign to raise enough by December 31 to help provide up to 50 million meals to hungry kids across the country.
Make a gift now to be one of the first to join the 50 Million Meals Challenge.
When you support the 50 Million Meals Challenge, you’ll be part of a nationwide effort to get food to hungry kids, one meal at a time.
Every $10 you donate can help provide up to 100 meals* for kids in need—like Mirna’s.
Keeping food on the table was hard — particularly because of the pandemic’s effects on the economy. Mirna, a single mom with two kids, knew sometimes there won’t be enough food by the end of the week if the family wasn’t careful.
But Mirna and her kids are fortunate to be part of a community where people like you have opened their hearts and wallets to help neighbors in times of crisis through their support of No Kid Hungry.
When Mirna and her family faced a crisis, her community—people like you—stepped up with donations to No Kid Hungry and today Mirna brims with thanks: “Thank you for all the donations in every way possible, every language, that I can say thank you for allowing our children not to be hungry... Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
But even as Mirna’s family is fed, millions of other families struggle to put food on the table. As you read this 1 child in 6 may be living with hunger.
Help us get food to hungry kids and put us one step closer to meeting our 50-million-meal goal.
Thank you for all you do.

Diane Clifford Team No Kid Hungry
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