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The State of Fascism Denial + The Fight for Abortion Rights
Uploaded December 5: Coco Das speaks to Koyuki, an activist who traveled to Washington DC this week to
protest for abortion rights as the Supreme Court heard opening arguments
in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization – the case which is
primed to overturn Roe v. Wade and enable abortion bans in more than
half the states in the U.S.
Then, Coco talks to Paul Street about the state of fascism and the
state of fascism denial as we near the close of 2021. Paul is the
author of ten books including his latest, This Happened Here:
Neoliberals, Amerikaners, and the Trumping of America, which is about to
be published.

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>> Transcript
Koyuki: They are going to get rid of Roe v. Wade. We need to be in the streets raising the temperature, building a mass movement of people that supports a woman's right to choose. ...This is something that I've always been thinking about and particularly going and defending abortion rights, because I've been in the streets calling for abortion rights since I was 14 years old. Part of that is understanding who controls our body and the fact that the state and this fascist Christian fundamentalist movement has been talking about controlling women's bodies. But part of it, too, is that when you actually go to a lot of these protests, you really see their program; these fascists who are really calling for forced parenthood and enforced motherhood. When you see that, everything crystallizes of what's at stake here.
Paul Street: It's the broad mass of people who are actually decent people, but have very little passion and very little intensity. That, I think, is one of the really big problems we're dealing with in the worst people, the most hideous, offensive, sexist, racist, white nationalist, anti-truth, evangelical, fundamentalist, authoritarian personality people -- they're the outraged ones. They're the mobilized ones, they've got the passionate intensity. We need to have the passion and intensity and we need to figure out how to turn it into a good virus and infect others with it to save any chance of a decent future.
Coco Das: Much is made of the fact that the majority of Americans support Roe v Wade. But it’s meaningless to
simply state that without backing it up. The history of fascism has
shown us that dominating the public square and the public discourse –
whether or not they have majority opinion on their side, goes a long way
in determining whether fascism prevails or not.
A majority of obedient Americans
are no obstacle to these Christian fascists. But even a portion of that majority of people in the
streets – waging a sustained, non-violent struggle to say hell
no, you’re not slamming women back to the days of back alley abortions
and forced pregnancy, this makes it known to the whole world who the
majority is and what they’re willing to put on the line.
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