More than a year has passed since the 2020 Presidential election. Indications of gross malfeasance linger in the wind, persistent as echoes
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Placing Stress Upon the Liberty Bell

More than a year has passed since the 2020 Presidential election. Indications of gross malfeasance linger in the wind, persistent as echoes, resounding across the canyons of time, growing in strength and volume even as the passage of hours would cede them to memory.

In the October issue of Chronicles, Patrick Basham, in ‘Biden’s Inexplicable Victory,’ details nine observations about the election, each suggestive of vote manipulations that awarded an enfeebled and unimpressive Joe Biden ticket into the White House. The most staggering of these anomalies — per the official findings of the US Census Bureau — is that there are 5 million fewer “voters” in these United States than there were votes counted in the election...and this shortage in actual voters is greater than the total number of votes by which Biden allegedly surpassed Trump.

Not to belabor the point but, this is…Simply. Not. Possible.

The finding is a staggering assault upon the powers of reason. It cannot be explained away. Neither can it be swept under the rug as we might prefer with a minor counting error. What we are forced to conclude is that the incidence and gravity of 2020 election challenges cannot be dismissed out of hand. Indeed, they must be pursued with vigor, with diligence, and with due haste and urgency.

Which is why the October issue of Chronicles devoted as much attention to the following election irregularities:

Biden’s Inexplicable Victory
Biden’s Inexplicable Victory

Honest appraisal of events provides ample evidentiary proof that massive fraud occurred in the runup to and during the 2020 election. Patrick Basham, head of the Democracy Institute (an independent public policy research organization), carefully describes nine different measures with which the claims of fraudulent results can be upheld.

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Election Oddities
Election Oddities

Executive Editor Edward Welsch catalogs the multiplicity of “unexplained” election-related irregularities and reviews the compelling statistical analyses of mathematician and physicist, Dr. Douglas G. Frank, whose findings — presented in detail at Mike Lindell’s Cyber Summit in August 2021 — suggest an aberrant commonality between state-by-state election tallies when compared to the most recent national census data.

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The Cowardice of ‘Patriotic Courage
The Cowardice of ‘Patriotic Courage’

In his lead editorial for the October issue, Paul Gottfried points out the perfidy of many within the Republican caucus who chose to validate a suspicious election result rather than support consideration that the process might actually have been compromised.

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Growing Public Clamor to Reverse the Results!

Consistent with these allegations, audit findings in Maricopa County, AZ1  and WI2  are beginning to uncover serial violations of election law with the result that — despite media efforts to dismiss or deny the audit findings — the majority of Americans believe that the 2020 Presidential election results were tainted…with a growing minority believing that the results should be overturned:

Per Rasmussen Polling, June 23, 2021, the majority of US likely voters support audits of election results.3
In a still more recent Rasmussen poll, 56% of respondents expressed the belief that, “It’s likely that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.” 4
Indeed, in an earlier Rasmussen poll, as many as 30% of Democrats admitted that the election was likely “stolen from Trump.” 5
As a result, according to an October poll conducted by Morning Consult and Politico, 35% of US registered voters are clamoring to have the 2020 election results overturned!6
If what occurred in 2020 wasn’t enough…

If you were at all tempted to think that what occurred in the 2020 election was a one-off, and not to be repeated, think again! As has been detected in the 2021 elections in New Jersey and Virginia, and possibly elsewhere, fraud may have tipped the outcomes in some of these elections and nearly toppled the winners in other contests. For instance…

In the New Jersey gubernatorial race, 40,000 votes were oh-so-suspiciously added to Governor Murphy’s tally at 1:54 a.m., at which point he’d been trailing, helping to swing the results for the incumbent Democrat.7
In a New Jersey State Senate race, the incumbent Democrat Senate President Steve Sweeney ultimately fell short of being re-elected even despite the sudden appearance of 12,000 suspicious votes for him the day after the election.8
Our Democracy Hangs in the Balance…

Open your eyes! However unpleasant it may be to mull over the possibilities, the fate of our democracy now hangs in the balance, a single, slender thread binding the nation to its history and traditions, its ethos, and keeping our union from dissolution. But we need to accept that the endurance of our republic is not assured. The fact is we do not have a representative democracy if we do not also have — and cannot depend upon — free and fair elections. This is a first principle.

Which is why we write. And why we seek your help.

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Image credit: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA at the Liberty Bell (Sean Pavone / Alamy Stock Photo)


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