Congo's Ebola survivors unite to combat stigma and misinformation

More than 1,000 Congolese survived the country's deadliest Ebola outbreak in 2018-2020. Now they are working to educate their communities to prevent a return of the disease

In Honduras, first woman president faces tough fight on abortion

Smeared as a 'baby killer' by critics, Xiomara Castro faces a struggle to get political backing to loosen a strict abortion ban in Honduras

EXPLAINER: New global shipping task-force aims for greener, safer work

Workers worry that the changes needed to bring the shipping industry in line with global climate goals could make their jobs more dangerous and threaten their incomes

LGBTQ groups cheer Tokyo's same-sex partnership move as big step forward

Japan is the last G7 nation not to recognise gay marriage but Tokyo's decision to introduce a same-sex partnership system may be a big step towards same-gender marriage activists say

S.African law change plan to allow land expropriation fails to pass

South African lawmakers voted not to allow a land expropriation proposal which sought to redress racial disparities in land ownership left over from colonialism and white minority rule

Friends of the Earth sues Britain over Mozambique LNG project

Green group, Friends of the Earth rebuke British government after claiming that an 'eye-watering' amount of money was being spent on a new gas field in Mozambique, others see the project as critical to transforming the development of the African nation

'Love is love:' Chile Congress passes same-sex marriage in historic vote

Both houses of Chile's parliament voted in favor of same-sex marriage, which had previously been partially approved in November.

Denmark lines up first green bond to hit climate goals

Denmark, which has been at the forefront of the development of wind power, has been looking at ways to fund its green transition

At oil conference, low-carbon proposals steer clear of customer emissions

Top oil and gas companies pledged to slash greenhouse gas emissions but failed to mention how emissions from customers would be cut

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