A Voice for Choice Advocacy advocates for
Religious/Conscience Belief and broad Medical Exemption
options for all required vaccines
Do you have children in Catholic School in CA?
If so, take Catholic Families 4 Freedom's survey today!

In the past few weeks, A Voice for Choice Advocacy has been meeting with legislative offices in Sacramento to try to get our "good" bills authored and to discuss the potential "bad" bills being introduced in CA in 2022. Our two asks for those related to vaccine mandates are that natural immunity be allowed in lieu of vaccination and religious/conscience belief exemptions be included for all. AVFCA, and a couple of other organizations, will be launching an initiative later this week that addresses the religious/conscience belief exemption across all religions, and what you can do to help us in our goal.
In the mean time, one of the organizations that AVCFA has worked closely with in this realm - Catholic Families 4 Freedom (https://www.instagram.com/catholic_families4freedom_ca), who empower CA Catholic families to advocate for medical freedom and their religious and conscience belief exemption on behalf of their children - needs families who send their children to Catholic schools in California to complete thier survey regarding the potential COVID-19 school vaccine mandates. The cumulative results of the survey will be sent to each of the 12 California Diocese, to ensure COVID vaccine mandates are not enforced in Catholic schools, without a religious/conscience belief exemption or personal belief exemption.

If you appreciate the work A Voice for Choice Advocacy is doing, please support us by making a donation today.

Together we can make change happen!
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
