Green Party of Canada

Dear Friend,

I usually do not love writing emails for the fundraising department of the Green Party. I get too many dunning emails myself from too many groups and political parties. For some crazy reason, I even get nearly daily emails from the NDP and Liberals asking me to donate! Spoiler alert – I do not!

But today I actually wrote to the party HQ crew and asked if I could write to you again. I like sharing good news and I am sick of the media stirring the pot and creating the false impression that we are down and out.

We have turned a corner with the appointment of Amita Kuttner as interim Leader.

THANK YOU Federal Council for a great decision. And thank you, Amita, for being brave; for being an inspiration!

Amita has been wow-ing the media – in both official languages – and earning accolades for their calm, clear and loving communications.

We are now seeing money start coming back in the door.

In fact, the last email I wrote brought in more than $25,000 fairly quickly and the fundraiser we did on Zoom on Friday night of the Virtual General Meeting raised nearly $30,000!

I am sure this is only the beginning as long-standing Greens show their support. We have turned the page on a bad experience. It is time to look resolutely forward.


Let’s show the doubters and nay-sayers that the Green Party of Canada is rebuilding and better than ever. Elections Canada reports every party’s fundraising numbers. Let’s make the fourth quarter our best ever!!

I just topped up my donation to the maximum allowed. I know you may not be able to do that, but please send what you can.

In this climate emergency, we need the Green Party more than ever.

Knowing in my heart we will exceed everyone’s expectations.

Sending you love and gratitude,

Elizabeth May, O.C., M.P.
Saanich-Gulf Islands
Parliamentary Leader for Green Party of Canada Caucus


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Authorized by the Green Party of Canada Fund, Chief Agent for the Green Party of Canada.