Mike Pence is rallying Republicans in Virginia Beach |
What can YOU do? Fight back
One-Day Goal: $10,000
Amount requested from you: $5 |
Mike Pence is in Virginia Beach today rallying Republicans ahead of Tuesday’s General Assembly elections.
And former Congressman Scott Taylor, one of Mark’s 2020 opponents, is introducing Pence at the Get Out The Vote rally.
This tells us two things: Virginia Republicans are hoping for sky-high turnout on Tuesday AND they’re coming for Mark’s Senate seat in 2020.
It’ll be a long, hard road from now until November 2020. That’s why we need you to contribute to Mark’s Fight Back Fund. It’s CRITICAL we hit our one-day goal of $10,000. Will you help us out?
Scott Taylor lost his seat to Elaine Luria after only one term, but during his brief tenure in the House, he voted with Trump 97.8% of the time.
When he was a Congressman, Scott Taylor voted for what Trump wanted even when it was wrong for Virginia. Why should we expect Senator Taylor to vote any differently?
Let’s make sure Taylor never again gets the chance to put Donald Trump above Virginians. Will you donate to Mark’s one-day goal of $10,000?
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We must keep Virginia blue in 2019 and then retake the Senate in 2020. Defending Mark’s seat is how we make that happen.
Thank you for everything,
Team Warner