Our family’s landmark LGBT+ rights victory was a proud moment for Israel. My son’s arrest last week was not.
J Street

Friends --

My son Mattan is living proof that a more just and equal society is possible.

It was our family’s landmark case in the Israeli High Court over twenty years ago that helped bring about the official recognition of equal rights for LGBT+ parents in Israel. It was a proud moment for my family, for our community, and for Israel.

Fast forward to last week, when Mattan was arrested in the occupied West Bank by Israeli police.

He and other Jewish Israeli peace advocates have been staying near the West Bank town of a-Tuwani to learn Arabic and help document and deter a dangerous spike in settler attacks this year.

Gangs from nearby settlements have been trying to harass and intimidate Palestinians off their land by burning farmland, slaughtering livestock, vandalizing property, throwing rocks and firing weapons into towns. Ongoing attacks this year have left several dead, dozens injured and one child in the hospital after a rock fractured his skull.

The IDF -- tasked only with protecting Israeli citizens (but not with protecting vulnerable Palestinian civilians) -- has too often stood idly by, acted as security guards for the attackers, or even turned on peace activists to prevent them from filming the violence. Since West Bank Palestinians aren’t citizens, Israeli authorities almost never bother to charge settlers or hold anyone accountable for the attacks.

The US government must speak out against settler violence
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Last week, my son and his colleagues were abruptly arrested after witnessing an altercation between a settler and local Palestinians. They faced excessive, trumped-up charges which were dropped entirely a day later, but the message sent by these arrests and recent IDF raids on Israeli and Palestinian activists is clear: Stop speaking out about the occupation and settler violence. Stop making noise. Stop pointing cameras at the injustice that’s happening here.

“I don’t know if they realize this, but it just makes us more determined to stay and fight back,” Mattan told me. “We’re not going to be intimidated; we know our rights; we know what we believe in and we know the people that we’re fighting with.”

That’s where we come in.

Israeli and Palestinian peace activists are on the frontlines fighting for a better future, and we have to have their backs.

Just this week -- following both public and behind-the-scenes pressure from the Biden administration, as well as internal pressure from progressives within the Israeli government -- Israeli authorities significantly delayed plans for a major new settlement between East Jerusalem and Ramallah. It shows that when the US government acts with determination and clarity, it can have a major positive impact.

Now, we must call on the Biden administration to build on this progress and press for Israeli authorities to confront settler violence, to hold perpetrators of violence accountable no matter their citizenship, and to uphold the principles of justice and equality for both Israelis and Palestinians.

The US government must speak out against settler violence
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Friends -- It might not be the usual response after having your son released from jail, but let me tell you: I’ve never been prouder.

It makes me swell with pride to see him continue the fight for equality, dignity and the basic rights of all families to live freely and raise their children in peace.

I hope it’s also a reminder to those of us in America that we are not alone in this struggle, and we cannot give up. There are brave and determined people on the ground working every day to build a better future. As Israel’s strongest partner and closest friend, America has to have their backs.

Please take a moment to add your name and call on the Biden administration to make addressing settler violence a priority in the US-Israel relationship.

Thank you, sincerely, for your support.

Ruti Kadish
National Director of Communal Relations, J Street

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J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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