
It’s beyond clear that the GOP is now a political party centered exclusively on serving the interests of Donald Trump.​​ Those Republican members who have demonstrated moral courage and intellectual honesty to defy Trump have been fleeing toward the exits. Since his election in 2016, 14 Republican Senators and 124 Republican House members have abandoned their posts defending our democracy.

Now, news reports say many of the top brass of the Republican Party are auditioning to be Trump’s running mate for his increasingly likely 2024 campaign for President.

That’s right, Friend: After a tumultuous administration that left our country’s institutions damaged, democracy in peril, and people reeling – Donald Trump is likely running for president in 2024. And reporting from POLITICO revealed Republicans are descending on Mar-a-Lago and – in Trump’s own words – “begging” him to be his vice presidential running mate.

But each and every day Trump hurtles toward announcing another bid for the White House, we learn more and more information about just how dangerous his one term in the Oval Office was: New reporting from the CIA revealed that Trump was “fact free” and went off “on tangents” in private meetings, according to former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. The report added that briefing Trump was one of the most difficult challenges the intelligence community has ever faced, because he genuinely didn’t care about the facts or the briefings. He was only interested in promoting and enriching himself.

Donald Trump is a threat to our national and domestic security, and he’s a threat for democracy that’s unfit for office. That’s why, in the face of his potential run for President again, I need 800 grassroots Democrats to speak out and hold the disgraced former President accountable. Tell me:

Would you vote for Donald Trump in 2024?



Thanks for speaking out,


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