
During the 2020 election, Joe Biden made a lot of promises. He told Americans that the country was divided and he was the one to fix it.

Instead, what we have gotten is division, dysfunction, and despair. Biden and the Left hide behind being “offended” to silence, censor, and cancel their political opponents. Your entire life could be ruined for their gain.

We’re at a real crossroads in our country when our basic freedoms, most notably our freedom of speech, are under attack.

That’s why it’s so important that you give today to my friends at Independent Women’s Forum, Friend, to reverse course.

When you invest in the impact being made through IWF today:
  • Your donation will be MATCHED by a generous group of donors (doubling the impact you can have). 
  • You’ll get 50% off their awesome (and censorship-FREE) private membership platform Independent Women’s Network.
  • You’ll get a free “Independent” lapel pin.
Everything these days is a double standard. Being “woke” trumps being rational.
  • There are illegal migrants being offered at least $450,000+ for breaking our laws, while Gold Star families barely scrape by.
  • There are families struggling to put food on the table, while Congress spends recklessly on completely unnecessary programs.
  • There are calls for justice, while smash and grabs and rioting in the streets are acceptable forms of protest… and due process only applies to those who fit the progressive narrative.
  • There are renewed calls for acceptance of every liberal label under the sun, while those who are conservative get shunned, shamed, and discriminated against.
  • There are elitists mandating masks on children in school and those in the service industry, while they walk around freely.
  • There are restrictions on parents’ rights and individual liberties, while the government grows in size and expands control at an unmanageable rate.
This is the Progressive Privilege that my friends at Independent Women’s Forum call out and work to stop. 

IWF plays such a pivotal role in our path forward. But what they can do in 2022 depends on the resources they have. Please help them before their important end-of-year deadline.

Lisa Boothe