TFP STUDENT ACTION tradition • family • property
Catholic Edgewood College now features Planned Parenthood as a “wellness resource”

> Sign your protest here
Dear John xxxxxx,

Yes, please do voice your immediate concern because...

Edgewood College – a Catholic college run by the Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa in Madison, WI -- currently features Planned Parenthood as a "Wellness Resource” for students.

Everyone knows what Planned Parenthood does – abortions.

And not only is it the largest abortion provider in the nation, but it feeds the godless culture of death that keeps the abortion cycle running.

In many ways, Planned Parenthood is the flagship of the sexual revolution, the antithesis of Catholic moral teaching and natural law.

So, please:

Sign your peaceful protest and tell Edgewood College to remove Planned Parenthood from its web site

It’s terrible to see a Catholic college pointing students to Planned Parenthood.

Ironically, Edgewood College’s mission statement mentions its “committed to building a just and compassionate world.”

But it’s hard for me to believe that a college dedicated to true justice would ever point students to Planned Parenthood, a place where innocent unborn babies are snuffed out and dismembered wholesale.

According to its own report, Planned Parenthood killed 327,653 babies in one year.

That is:

-- 27,304 abortions per month...
-- 910 per day...
-- 37 per hour.

How is that even remotely compassionate?  It’s not.

So -- in face of this scandal -- you and I cannot just stay silent and do nothing.  We must speak up and prevent the Culture of Death from poisoning more young minds.

And remember:

After you sign your prayerful protest here...

Please help me spread the word by forwarding this message to all your pro-life friends.

You don’t need to be a college student to participate.

Thank you for fighting the good fight,
John Ritchie
TFP Student Action, Director
P.S. – God bless you for signing this petition.  

More contact information (please be firm yet polite):

Sr. Mary Ellen Gevelinger, O.P., Ed.D.
Interim President, Edgewood College
1000 Edgewood College Dr.
Madison, WI 53711
Phone: (608) 663-2240
Email: [email protected]
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TFP Student Action
1358 Jefferson Rd, Spring Grove, PA 17362
(717) 225-7147 ext. 229
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