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Coalition to Protect America's Health Care

Friend, it’s never a good time to get the flu. But National Influenza Vaccination Week is the PERFECT time to get the flu vaccine if you haven’t already.

Millions of people get sick with the flu every year. You can protect yourself, your family, and your community by getting an annual flu vaccine. That means the flu won’t get in the way of your daily life or holiday plans. Schedule your flu shot today and read on to learn more about the in-FLU-enza vaccine:

Flu Vaccine facts: Viruses cause the flu, not the vaccine; It takes two weeks for your vaccine to start protecting you; The earlier you get your flu shot the better; You can get your flu and COVID-19 vaccines at the same time; Flu vaccination helps protect pregnant people during and after pregnancy

Everyone 6 months of age and older can get a flu vaccine. Schedule a flu vaccine for you or a loved one:

It is more important than ever to prevent widespread flu outbreaks so that healthcare workers can concentrate on addressing COVID-19. When you get vaccinated and keep yourself healthy, you also help relieve pressure on overwhelmed doctors, nurses, and other hospital workers.

Thank you for protecting yourself and others by getting your flu vaccine this year.

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