Dear Supporter, We are exactly 3 days away from the Virginia election, and we need all hands on deck to support our endorsed candidates as we enter the final phases of their campaigns. To help win a more progressive Virginia, we’ve set up a number of virtual phone banks that will allow you to reach Virginia voters from anywhere in the country. For this final Get Out the Vote phase of the election, we're asking members to call voters in support of progressive champion Joshua Cole, running to flip a Republican seat in one of the closest races for Virginia House of Delegates of the cycle. The phone bank script you will see will also include a space to plug in the Democrat running for state Senate in that district and that is Amy Laufer, whom we ask that you also include. When calling, if the person you are talking to needs to know why Joshua deserves their vote, it's because he will fight for all Virginians and defend constitutional rights and values. Joshua wants to increase the minimum wage and expand access to health care, and he supports non-partisan redistricting reform (as opposed to unfair gerrymandering) and passing the Equal Rights Amendment. When calling, just make sure to plug the right candidates' names (JOSHUA COLE for Delegate and AMY LAUFER for Senator) into the script where you are asked, leave the best impression possible with the voters you are calling, and try not to call too early in the morning or too late at night (remember, Virginia is in the Eastern Time Zone for those of you out west). PFAW first endorsed Joshua Cole in 2017 via our Next Up Victory Fund. That year he came just 73 votes shy of unseating the Republican incumbent in his state House district ... and most people think he probably would have won if not for an election administration error that directed several hundred voters in that district to the wrong precinct! This year, we're proud to have endorsed Joshua again and, this year, with your help, he's going to WIN and provide one of the two needed seat flips to give Democrats a majority in the state House! With our virtual phone bank, you can help Josh, as well as Democrat Amy Laufer, without leaving your home. Please join us TODAY and help get out the vote for Joshua Cole and Amy Laufer>> I hope you can help us make history! THANK YOU!!! Sincerely, - Zach, PFAW ![]()