

ASBN's NEXT Economy Showcase is an opportunity to hear from high-impact, innovative businesses and investment solutions to building an economy that works for all. From early stage companies, to innovative funds, and more, the NEXT Economy Showcase will feature 14 investable opportunities that can accelerate our shared work towards creating an economy that is regenerative, equitable, and creates shared prosperity. The showcase will take place in person at ASBC-SVC's December conference in San Diego TOMORROW, December 8 between 9-10:30am PT / 12-1:30pm ET but will be concurrently live streamed to investors and funders globally.

Confirmed Presenters:
1. Amalgamated Bank 
2. Black Farmer Fund 
3. Potlikker Capital 
4. Brown Venture Group 
5. Mission-Driven Finance 
6. Uhusiano Capital 
7. RSF Social Finance 
8. Opportunity Main Street 
9. SmokeFire Media 
10. Angels of Impact 
11. Downtown Crenshaw 

At the NEXT Economy Showcase you will also hear from the following ASBN investor-led initiatives:
- Restorative Investing
- Main Street Lending: CDFIs & Community Banks
- Transforming Ownership for Social Justice

Register for the NEXT Economy Showcase (Virtual)
Presented by

American Sustainable Business Network (ASBN) is a membership network that equips entrepreneurs, impact investors, and capacity-builders with connections, money, and expertise in order to build businesses that drive the NEXT economy: one that is regenerative, equitable and prosperous for all.

Copyright © 2021, ASBN, All rights reserved.
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