"Before I knew about this program, things were very different. I feel like my life has changed."
Our 2x Impact Match Is Live
Double your support for survivors and families at Doorways!
Right now, every $1 you give becomes $2 to double your support for survivors and families at Doorways! How? Two of our generous donors, Kevin and Judy Moak and The Gupta Family Foundation, will match your gift!
Survivors and Families in Crisis Need You Now
When you're in crisis, you can't wait for help. That's why Doorways is open and operational 24/7, even throughout the ongoing pandemic. We are always here to provide emergency shelter and have even utilized hotels when our Safehouse was too small to accommodate all of the survivors in need of shelter and support.

Last year alone, Doorways:
Provided lifesaving emergency shelter for 80 survivors and their children at the Safehouse, Safe Apartments, and hotels — a record high in Doorways' history — as intimate partner violence increased in frequency and lethality
Sheltered 38 adults, youth, and children in the Family Home, our 22-bed shelter with onsite support services to help clients heal after trauma and build toward independence
Housed and supported 114 adults and children in our HomeStart supportive housing program for clients transitioning out of our Safehouse and Family Home programs, with services provided in their new homes
Give hope against harm and homelessness.
PS — Already made your year-end gift to Doorways? Please share this email or forward it to a friend. We need your help to ensure Doorways can provide immediate support, safe harbor, healing, and hope to our neighbors in crisis.
Do you need support? Do you know someone else who might? Call Doorways to speak with an advocate anytime.
24-Hour Domestic & Sexual Violence Hotline: