From Pramila Jayapal <>
Subject An increase to Trump’s last military budget?
Date December 7, 2021 3:22 PM
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[1]Pramila Jayapal

Congress already spends far too much money on the Pentagon. But this year,
they are planning to INCREASE defense spending to an amount that is more
than Donald Trump’s last Pentagon budget. That is completely upside down.

First, I was proud to champion an effort to cut the Pentagon’s budget by
10 percent because there are so many better ways we could invest those
tens of billions of dollars in our communities. Then, I was firm in voting
against the House’s more than $740 billion giveaway to defense contractors
who turn around and relentlessly lobby for and profit off of our country’s
excessive military budget.

Now, the defense spending proposal in the Senate is even more than that
$740 billion budget and it would even exceed Trump’s Pentagon budget last
year. We need to oppose this excessive budget and urge Congress to invest
in the people, not bloated military spending.

[ [link removed] ]If you agree, chip in $3 or more to help us continue
organizing for a long-overdue cut to the Pentagon budget and for a
government that works for everyone — not just the interests of defense

[ [link removed] ]Chip in $3 »

Our country must redefine and reimagine what it means to be strong. Being
strong is NOT giving more money to a bloated Pentagon budget that is
already larger than the following 11 countries’ military budgets combined.
We can strengthen our country by guaranteeing health care for all, raising
wages, investing in child care and education, fighting for our unions and
labor protections, and so much more.

Our fight for transformative change is only as powerful as the grassroots
movement that powers it — and that starts with keeping our fundraising on
track. [ [link removed] ]Donate right now to help me continue organizing for what the
people — not defense contractors and their lobbyists — need right now.

In solidarity,






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