We hope you were able to join us for Race Forward’s 40th Anniversary Celebration last week. During the event, we charted through important historical milestones, momentous gains—as well as some setbacks—in the movement for racial justice, and we honored the visionaries and courageous leadership that pushed us steps closer to a just, multiracial democracy. Together, we revisited the groundbreaking programs and campaigns that transformed our policies, institutions and communities. If you weren’t able to join us, we invite you to view the replay.
As we look to the next chapter, we invite you to co-create a vision of the future by sharing your opinions of our work through this 10-minute online survey. If you have already completed it, thank you! If you have yet to do so, here is your chance to let us know how we are doing and help keep us on track. The survey closes December 9th.

This survey is entirely private, and your responses will not be individually identifiable. In addition to accessing it by clicking the links above, you can also access it by scanning the QR code with your mobile device.
With gratitude,
From all of us at Race Forward and Colorlines