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Attacks on possible Korean peace plan are politically and financially motivated

By Jessica J. Lee on Dec 06, 2021 03:27 am

There are legitimate challenges facing a formal end to the war, but they can be overcome through balanced analysis.
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Putin sets a new red line on NATO expansion

By Ted Snider on Dec 04, 2021 06:08 am

Since its assurances not to move "one inch" outside Germany, the alliance as moved 600 miles closer to Russia.
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Top Israeli military officials say Trump’s Iran deal exit was a ‘mistake,’ bad for Israel

By Mitchell Plitnick on Dec 03, 2021 10:29 am

As talks resume to return to the JCPOA, unlikely voices are emerging to support its revival.
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NATO’s Jens Stoltenberg needs to calm it down

By Daniel Larison on Dec 03, 2021 03:40 am

Just when the alliance needs to be deescalating the situation with Russia over Ukraine, he's been throwing kerosene on the flames. 
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How the US and China can stop their brewing arms race

By Jasmine Owens on Dec 02, 2021 03:00 am

Both sides can start to build trust and avoid repeating the mistakes from the onset of the Cold War.
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Tit for tat diplomatic expulsions by Russia and US are absurd and reckless

By Anatol Lieven on Dec 01, 2021 01:52 pm

At a time when Washington wants to reduce tension with Moscow, these acts verge on the insane.
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Poll: Americans’ trust in the military plummets to less than 50%

By Kelley Beaucar Vlahos on Dec 01, 2021 11:30 am

The backlash and sense of betrayal during 20 years of war, which culminated with the Afghanistan withdrawal has taken its toll.
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Facing mounting global crises, Biden risks addiction to sanctions

By Dan DePetris on Dec 01, 2021 03:00 am

Whether it's Ethiopia, Belarus, or Nicaragua, economic warfare rarely works and often winds up being counterproductive.
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