Partake in our End-of-Year Recap--celebrate many successes!
Dear John -
The Budget Reconciliation package passed the House of Representatives--will it pass the Senate with a #PriceOnCarbon included? Now is the time to raise our voice. Join our chapter meeting on Saturday ([link removed]) and pitch in with upcoming phone/text banks ([link removed]) !
* CCL DC Chapter - December Meeting
* Coffee Sustainability Initiative
** CCL DC Chapter - December Meeting
CCL is pleased to invite you to our End-of-Year Recap! In our December meeting we will review our amazing accomplishments and celebrate your hard work from 2021. We'll also discuss future lobbying and engagement endeavors.
Afterword, stick around for CCL National's Monthly Webinar, on the same webinar line at 1 PM EST.
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What: CCL December Meeting
When: Saturday, December 11, 11:00 am -12:30pm EST
More Details and RSVP ([link removed])
** Coffee Sustainability Initiative
Every industry is threatened by climate change, and coffee is no exception. From the roughly 25 million growers who produce coffee to those of us who enjoy a cup each day, we all stand to lose as this industry suffers in the coming decades. Join CCL as we seek to convince coffee distributors of the necessity of climate solutions. You can view our Coffee Industry Declaration HERE ([link removed]) , additional information on this issue HERE ([link removed]) , and if you want to take part you can find out how to get started HERE ([link removed]) . For additional questions, please contact Emily Koester at
* Tue 12/7, 8 pm: Engaging Community Leaders - Core Volunteer Training ([link removed])
* Wed 12/8, 7 pm: Text Banking- Emails and Calls to Senators ([link removed])
* Wed 12/8, 8pm: Grasstops Engagement Action Team- 30-minute monthly meeting ([link removed])
* Thu 12/9, 8 pm: Latinos Action Team Monthly Meeting ([link removed])
* Sun 12/12, 2 pm: Climate Advocate Training (Online) ([link removed])
* Thu 12/16, 3 pm: Telling Compelling Climate Stories Workshop ([link removed])
* Wed 12/22, 8 pm: Team OIL presentation ([link removed])
National CCL events: If you are missing more CCL in your life, check out CCL National's event calendar ([link removed]) .
Volunteer opportunity: Our chapter's Communications team is underway! We are still in need of volunteers to (1) engage with folks on Facebook, (2) create simple graphics for events like the ones above, and (3) wherever else you see a communications gap. Please reach out to Debbie ([link removed]) if you're interested.
As always, keep up with our chapter calendar on our CCL Community page at: [link removed]
Help lobby for climate solutions:
* Join our Monthly Calling Campaign to call your Representative once a month: [link removed] ([link removed])
* Send a Tweet to our member of Congress: [link removed]
* Join CCL's weekly introductory call: [link removed]
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