I am so proud to have you with us as we head in to 2022 | No images? View on Web.
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The smile on a child's face when they see their favorite nurse. The high-fives between staff members when they reach a breakthrough. The ringing of the big bell to signal that a patient's treatment is complete.

In a year when the light at the end of the tunnel has turned out to be farther away than most of us had anticipated, it's these small joys that lift my spirits.

I am so proud to have you with us as we head into 2022. Supporters like you have always been the heart and soul of Children's Hospital Los Angeles, John, and your unwavering dedication and perseverance have helped us thrive even in the hardest times.

Artwork from CHLA patient.

When you've been through a time as tough as the past year, it can be hard to see the forest for the trees. But when you do, what you'll see is astounding. Just last year, with your support, we:

Saw patients at 620,645 visits. Performed 16,405 surgeries. Participated in 503 clinical trials. And you made countless small joys happen all across the hospital.

This is all to say: Thank you. I am so grateful for your continued support.

From all of us here at Children's Hospital Los Angeles, may this Season of Giving bring you warmth, joy, and a bright light of hope to guide you into the new year.


 Paul S. Viviano headshot. Paul S. Viviano signature.

Paul S. Viviano
President and Chief Executive Officer
Children's Hospital Los Angeles

P.S. If you'd like to provide additional support, I encourage you to make gift of $10 or more to the Children's Fund today while every gift will be matched to double the impact for sick and injured kids.

© 2021 Children's Hospital Los Angeles

4650 Sunset Blvd., #29, Los Angeles, CA 90027
800-817-4543 | foundation@chla.usc.edu