In my nineteen years serving in the U.S. House of Representatives, I have worked hard on issues ranging from ending California's man-made drought, to reining in government spending, to devising free-market healthcare reforms, to ending abuses in the Intelligence Community.
In the last several years, there has been one issue that I've become convinced is the single most important factor in modern political life: ending Internet censorship of political expression. I've warned repeatedly in public interviews, private discussions, and in my book that no matter how good people's ideas are, and no matter how effective their proposals will be in solving problems, none of it matters much if they can't get their message out—and that's exactly what's happening due to the suppression of ideas, publications, and commentators throughout social media.
Recently, I was presented with the opportunity to lead a major effort to promote Internet freedom, and I decided to accept the offer. At the end of this year, I'll be leaving Congress to become CEO of the Trump Media and Technology Group. It is my intention to help create a robust social media platform that provides free and fair access to all and cannot be cancelled. After warning of the importance of this issue for years, I am putting my money where my mouth is to ensure that Silicon Valley bosses can no longer easily shove alternative viewpoints out of the public square.
Once we get our new platform off the ground in 2022, I hope you'll rejoin me there for fearless discussions of our national condition.
Devin Nunes
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