John – Abby Finkenauer is running for Iowa’s Senate seat to defeat Sen. Chuck Grassley. But with time running out before tonight’s 11:59 p.m. fundraising deadline, we’re still falling short of the 100 new Founding Donors we need to win.
Last time around, Iowa’s Senate race was one of the most expensive in the entire country, and Mitch McConnell has nearly $30 MILLION in the bank to protect Sen. Grassley, keep this state red and retake control of the Senate. The only way we can win is if grassroots Democrats like you step up and become Founding Donors of our campaign.
Moments like this can determine whether a campaign can win or lose in a battleground state like Iowa: So please, John, will you make your first contribution right now to become a Founding Donor, help Abby defeat Sen. Grassley and protect our Democratic Senate majority?