John -

With Critical Race Theory and Marxism being pushed by some teachers unions in our schools, it’s time to offer an alternative curriculum for America’s students.

That’s exactly what I’m doing in Congress.
The Soviets put vast amounts of resources and time into spreading communist ideology around the world. They used the KGB to infiltrate American society to spread this dangerous and destructive ideology right here in our country, using useful idiots that lead key American institutions.

From the Marxist-infused radicalism of the '60s to the critical race theory trends of today, I don't think the Soviets could have imagined a better ally than the socialists in America today, some of whom currently serve in our Congress.
That’s why I introduced legislation in Congress called the Crucial Communism Teaching Act to stop Critical Race Theory and Marxism from being taught in America’s schools. And while the left lies that CRT is not being taught, we know that isn’t true. And we know CRT is an ideology that must be stopped.

We need to provide America’s schools, and more importantly American parents, an alternative to the Marxist ideology currently being taught to our children. America’s parents deserve to have a say in what their children learn in school, and I believe parents would rather have their children learn to love America and hate communism than the other way around.

That’s what this bill does.

It ensures students know the lessons of history so that our next generation does not repeat them. It will ensure communism remains in the trash heap of history, where it belongs.

We need to stand together in the fight against CRT, Marxism, and communist ideology from indoctrinating our future generations.

Are you with me in this fight?
Thank you for standing up for our shared conservative values.

In Service,
Former Navy SEAL and Congressman
Dan Crenshaw
Thank you for fighting for our conservative values. Your support is extremely valuable and crucial for Republicans to take back the House and Senate in 2022. Dan Crenshaw is counting on you to help him restore America and teach our kids to to be grateful for our Founding, our Constitution, our Flag, and our People. If you would like to become a Sustaining Donor to Dan Crenshaw's messaging campaign for 2022, please click here. If you prefer to donate by check, please make your donation payable to Crenshaw for Congress, P.O. Box 430965, Houston, TX 77243.
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