Katie Cristol and Christian Dorsey after winning in 2015

We have 3 days until the 2019 elections. I want to ask for your help--staying in the fight, so we can finish the fight--to help us deliver the victory we so desperately need on Tuesday. 

TODAY is the last day of absentee in person voting in Arlington County! If you satisfy the absentee voting eligibility criteria -- and many Arlingtonians do -- please make time to cast your vote today. Don’t risk an unexpected work crisis or personal problem on Election Day -- cast your vote this weekend!

Bozman Government Center at 2100 Clarendon Boulevard (Courthouse Plaza) any time between 8:30 am and 5 pm, and bring your valid photo ID.

Katie Cristol passes the gavel as Chair to Christian Dorsey on January 2nd. 

We also desperately need POLL GREETERS here in Arlington for Katie, Christian, and Parisa Dehghani-Tafti, who is being subject to a write in campaign. I will be doing 1 poll greeting shift before going out to canvass for Wendy on election day. Please, please click below to poll greet. Poll greeters may have been the difference in my election. Take 1 shift if you are or can be here in Arlington for 2 hours or more:

Click here to Poll Greet for Christian and Katie and the Whole Ticket
We must reelect these two outstanding leaders, elect Parisa, and re-elect all the great candidates on the Democratic ticket. And we must do so with the margins they deserve.

Finally, if you can also help outside of Arlington, please email me and I can connect you with Wendy Gooditis, Sheila Bynum- Coleman, Hala Ayala, or Dan Helmer's campaigns. 

Let's win, 

Matt for Arlington
Matt for County Board
Authorized by Matt for Arlington

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Matt for Arlington · 2001 15th St N Apt 506 · Arlington, VA 22201-2693 · USA