John, Unlike our Republican opponents, we don't have an unlimited network of billionaires and ultra-wealthy corporate special interest PACs on call ready to bail us out at a moment's notice. To keep our budget on track, we have to work twice as hard, and we can't afford to make any mistakes.


Unlike our Republican opponents, we don't have an unlimited network of billionaires and ultra-wealthy corporate special interest PACs on call ready to bail us out at a moment's notice. To keep our budget on track, we have to work twice as hard, and we can't afford to make any mistakes. 

Campaigns are unpredictable by nature, and anything we can do to build stable sources of income is critical – like the hundreds of DFL Victory Club members who give automatic recurring donations.

Heading into 2022 without a statewide federal candidate on the ballot, we are projecting a 40% drop in revenue. I've spent the past several weeks pouring over the 2022 budget with Ken and Heidi, and it's clear we'll have to expand our monthly recurring contributions by at least 50% to avoid making cuts.

To have any chance at hitting that target by January 1, we need 150 Democrats to step up by the end of the week. Will you start a monthly recurring donation that works for you? 

As a token of our appreciation, we're offering the following gifts from our DFL Store for all new DFL Victory Club members who sign up by Friday, December 10:

Thank you,

Nora Ptacek
Finance Director
Minnesota DFL