My name is Alex Bailey, ANC Commissioner and proud Working Families Party member. Amid Mayor Bowser's encampment evictions, which goes against CDC and HUD guidance during hypothermia season, Councilmember Nadeau has introduced emergency legislation to make Mayor Bowser stop these harmful evictions and redirect the focus back on housing.
I've joined 75 Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners from all eight wards who believe that DC must stop clearing and evicting encampments and instead focus on connecting everybody experiencing homelessness with the housing they need to thrive.
The Council votes on the bill tomorrow, Tuesday, 12/7, and we need you to contact them right now. Click here to send a letter to the Council today.
While not an adequate substitute for housing, encampments provide safety and community for our neighbors, making the rational choice to avoid DC's dilapidated and crowded shelters while they await more secure housing. Kicking people out of encampments doesn't end their homelessness. Instead, it makes connecting people to housing more difficult, detaches residents from their community, and destroys their tents and belongings during the coldest time of year.
Please take some time today to make your voice heard before their vote tomorrow. You can also call your Councilmember at the numbers listed below.
In Solidarity,
Alex Bailey
ANC Commissioner

Become a Working Families Party Member! Other political groups have corporate donors. We have you. Just $10 a month supports our fight.
This is a message from DC Working Families Party.