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Dear friend,

We have a message for you from web pioneer and philanthropist Craig Newmark: please sign up and stress-test the updated Heartmob, Hollaback’s platform where individuals experiencing online abuse can share their stories and receive aid from a community of vetted, trustworthy bystanders who want to help. We’re asking you, specifically, because we want to hear feedback from our trusted community first, so that we can fix anything that needs fixing before we scale HeartMob. Learn more about HeartMob by watching this new PSA, which we are unveiling for the first time:


With the generous support of Craig Newmark Philanthropies, we have rolled out a series of UX design changes to improve navigation and interactivity so that our entire community can experience an improved version of the platform. We are proud to announce that Craig Newmark Philanthropies just gave us a second grant, so these changes will be the first of many -- and your testing and feedback is critical.


“I've seen a lot of pointless online abuse, harassment, over the last thirty years, and it really pisses me off. I've been and am being targeted by professionals, and really wish HeartMob was around to minimize ongoing damage”, said Craig Newmark.


On Heartmob, people can receive help in the form of supportive messages or by asking to report and document abusive behavior.  If you haven't already done so, we would like to invite you to consider registering to share your story or provide support to those who need it most. You will be making a BIG impact and making a difference in the lives of many.

A program evaluation of Heartmob, conducted in June 2021 by Germain Impact Solutions, showed that 57% of people who have experienced harassment reported that HeartMob was very helpful or somewhat helpful in healing from their trauma. “I was getting exhausted from this harassment. My harassers were like insects, they followed me like bees. HeartMob helped me to alleviate that”, said a participant.


A couple of weeks ago, we relaunched Heartmob and the Coalition Against Online Violence’s Online Violence Response Hub as complementary tools to support women and gender-expansive journalists who are especially targeted for their gender and just for doing their jobs.  Watch our PSA designed to raise awareness of the threats that many women journalists face on a daily basis and how they can now get support on Heartmob:

We hope you enjoy these PSAs, produced by Mel City Entertainment. We would appreciate your help in sharing them with your networks and on your social media, especially now when we are commemorating the 16 days of Activism. Here is a suggested caption you can use:


Click here to tweet: Heartmob is a tool to support people experiencing online abuse, including women journalists who are especially targeted. Register at and learn more about it by watching this video: Supported by @craignewmark.


Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram, Facebook, Tik Tok, and Twitter. 


With love,

