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Today is the last day to vote [[link removed]] in the CaucusRoom Council Election.
World War II Veteran, three-time Presidential candidate, and Senator from Kansas, Bob Dole, died at the age of 98. [[link removed]]
There have been several arrests in California's smash and grab robberies. AOC's comments are tone-deaf [[link removed]] and Jen Psaki says the root cause is COVID.
Oregon wants to make mask mandates permanent. [[link removed]]
Here is an update on what happened in the Ghislaine Maxwell [[link removed]] trial last week.
No one wants to work for Kamala anymore. The list of people leaving her office continues to grow [[link removed]].
Your funny for the day! Santa ended up at the wrong house [[link removed]]! The word of the day [[link removed]] is a doozy!
Let's Go Brandon shirts [[link removed]] in the CaucusRoom Store. The last day to order for Christmas delivery is December 8th.
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