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Dear John

It’s been another exciting month at CPRE, the countryside charity.

A CPRE delegation, including members from Lancashire, Liverpool City Region and Greater Manchester, attended COP26 in Glasgow, bringing the voice of the countryside to the global summit. On the Global Day of Action, we were out in force on marches in both Glasgow and London.

We published our new report, ‘recycling our land: state of brownfield 2021’ in November at an online event hosted by our President Emma Bridgewater. We were joined by housing minister Chris Pincher, and Ruth Cadbury, the shadow minister for planning.

We're glad to see the government’s change of direction on brownfield. But more still needs to be done to ensure a truly brownfield first policy that prioritises brownfield for development and protects our countryside and green spaces from further destruction.

Finally, we’re delighted to share the news that last week we won Planning Campaign of the Year at the 2021 PCRA Public Affairs Awards for our planning campaign. We want to thank all of you our supporters, our local groups, and the planning coalition for helping us make this such a successful campaign. We couldn’t have done it without you!

New research shows space for 1.3m homes on recycled land is being ignored


Our latest report on the state of brownfield in England has found that this previously developed land could accommodate over 1.3 million new homes – an increase of almost 10% on 2020. But with the proportion of brownfield plots with planning permission currently the lowest since records began – down from 53% last year to 44% now – it is clear that, despite recent warm words from the government, these sites are not being prioritised.

COP26 and the countryside: the view from CPRE


'One area largely missing in action from the discussions was the part that nature-based solutions, including those provided by our very own countryside, can play. It was this message CPRE, the countryside charity wanted to bring to Glasgow'.

In a new opinion piece, Stuart Neaverson, CPRE campaigns officer, reflects on what Glasgow’s crucial climate conference taught him about what has to happen next for our rural areas.

Diversifying the outdoors: the hiking and adventure group for Muslim women


'I don’t like using the phrase safe space – we shouldn’t have to. The world, and its countryside, is for everyone. Instead, I try to see my group as a door to get through a blockage of low confidence and anxiety. I want it to be a space where women are comfortable, feel represented, able to have their beliefs in place and wear what they want'.

Amira, founder of Wanderlust Women, is creating a movement. She wants all women, from all backgrounds, to access the countryside and feel confident about doing so. We spoke to her about her walking group and her plans for the future.

‘We can learn so much from its rhythms’: self-care inspired by the seasons


'The natural world isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, but we can learn so much from its rhythms. Autumn can help us understand that being our whole selves means knowing when to stop and rest. It can help us to realise that death isn’t a full stop at the end of a sentence'.

CPRE staff member, gardener and blogger Lewis Townsend tells us what connecting with the natural world has taught him about mental health, life and death.

CPRE Christmas cards


With Christmas fast approaching, don’t miss out on the opportunity to buy a pack of CPRE Christmas cards! We have six fantastic designs this year, including our popular Christmas Robin and Snowy Sycamore Gap.

Made from 100% biodegradable materials, every purchase made will support our countryside, ensuring it continues to thrive for generations to come. Each pack contains a total of 10 cards and costs £5.00 plus postage.


Best wishes,


Cat Rowland

Digital Engagement Officer

CPRE funded by donations from people like you. Together, we can help our beautiful countryside thrive, for everyone’s benefit - now and for generations to come.

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