Just hours to go.
Common Dreams Home Page

Dear Friend,

With just a couple of hours to go until our firm midnight deadline, our dedicated readers have brought us to the brink of reaching our goal.

But we are still just over $5,000 short. We work so hard, but now we need your help to get us over the line. Every gift—large or small—will help make the difference. If just a small fraction of our millions of readers gave as little as $5 each, we'd make it easily.

Can you help us now in our hour of need, Friend?


With deep gratitude,

Andrea, Jon, Kim, Michael W., Jake, Julia, Eoin, Jessica, Aaron, Michael B., Jody, Jenna, Abby, and Craig,
the Common Dreams news team

P.S. Help us remain strong by becoming a monthly sustaining donor!

Call 207.775.0488 to donate by phone or mail a check to:
Common Dreams, PO Box 443, Portland, ME 04112, USA

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