Friends, this is the Israel we're fighting for. A truly just, democratic and peaceful homeland for the Jewish people, and a beacon of our shared values.

Our Israel


On this final night of Hanukkah, we wanted to share the light of some of our progressive Israeli allies in the fight for justice, equality and peace.

They bring us hope and inspiration this Hanukkah -- and indeed every day -- as we push forward in a struggle that can too often feel dark and dispiriting.

Let their stories -- which we’ve documented as part of a series we call 'Our Israel' -- be a reminder that we do not travel this path alone, and that together, we will never give up the fight for a better and brighter future.


Advocates from Mehazkim take a selfie while holding up a protest sign.

The revolution will be digitized

“Revolutions start online,” says Eran Nissan, the Chief Operating Officer of Mehazkim, an Israeli organization that works to promote the values and policies of the Israeli left in the digital space. “Social media not only allows the untold stories of disenfranchised voices and marginalized actors to reach new audiences but also provides the tools to effectively organize both digitally and physically.” Read the full profile >>

 The Parents Circle -- Families Forum

An Israeli and Palestinian man stand face to face.

United in grief, strengthened by resolve

The Parents Circle -- Families Forum was founded in 1995 by Yitzhak Frankenthal after his 19-year-old son, Arik, was killed by Hamas. Frankenthal sent more than 300 letters out to bereaved families on both sides of the conflict, inviting them to join a group for support, peace and solidarity. From the 44 Israeli families who initially responded, the group has now grown to over 600 Israeli and Palestinian families -- united in pain, grief and a shared commitment to a better path forward. Read the full profile >>

EcoPeace Middle East

EcoPeace activists stand together in the middle of a river holding up Israeli and Palestinian flags.

Working to avert a climate catastrophe

EcoPeace Middle East -- a collection of Jordanian, Palestinian, and Israeli environmentalists -- say that in a region where extreme heat and water scarcity is already wreaking havoc, climate change could push the situation toward catastrophe. “The outlook for the whole region is bleak,” Nada Majdalani, EcoPeace’s Palestine Director, tells J Street. “There’s no question that occupied Palestinian territory is particularly at risk for climate catastrophe.”

EcoPeace has also outlined a series of steps that the Biden administration can take to facilitate climate action in the region. Chief among the proposals is that the US serves as an impartial mediator in negotiations over water allocation in the region, a potential stepping-stone for further mediation and cooperation. Read the full profile >>

Kav LaOved

Workers sit in KavLaoved's waiting room

Fighting for workers' rights

Since 1991, Kav LaOved (‘Worker’s Hotline’) has fought with determination to protect the rights of disadvantaged Israeli, Palestinian and migrant workers. Their vision is an Israeli society in which workers -- regardless of nationality, gender, religion or legal status -- are respected, valued and have their rights protected. Every year, they help thousands of workers seeking help, including Israelis, Palestinians and migrant workers and refugees from as far afield as Thailand, India and Ukraine. Their challenges range from sexual harassment to underpayment, unpaid compensation to unsafe work environments.

“Victories are still possible in this political climate,” Executive Director Adi Maoz tells J Street. “What drives me and a lot of us is the fact that we believe in the place that we’re living in, and we have the strength and the ability to change it.” Read the full profile >>

Israeli Women's Network

Members of the Israeli Women's Network hold signs and march

The struggle for gender equality

The Israel Women’s Network has been fighting the increasing exclusion and segregation of women in public events, business settings, academia, politics, sports, police and the military. The tremendous, non-partisan women’s network, which has been fighting for equality since 1984, views it as one of its core missions to ensure that Israelis connect the dots on segregation.

“This is something that we all need to fight, men and women,” Executive Director Michal Gera Margaliot tells J Street. “Feminism is not a movement of women against men. It’s a movement to make the world a better place.” Read the full profile >>

Save A Child's Heart

A nurse watches over a child in a hospital bed

Saving children, one heart at a time

Over the last two decades, Save A Child’s Heart has performed more than 5,400 pediatric cardiac surgeries for children from over 60 developing nations, with approximately half their caseload consisting of Palestinian children from Gaza and the West Bank.

“When you have a Palestinian mother sitting next to an Israeli mother in a waiting room as their children are undergoing pediatric cardiac surgery, you have a bond that’s instantly created,” Executive Director Rabbi David Litwack tells J Street. Read the full profile >>


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J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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