![]() Dear Friend, Happy Halloween Week! Know what's scarier than a bump in the night? Not speaking out about issues that matter to women and families! Please checkout our list of top 5 Actions from the past week below, which makes it easy to scroll and catch up. Please be sure to share this with family and friends too! Thank you. Here's the list => 1. Let's Increase Funding for Child Care and Head Start This Year!
Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED -> Sign Now BACKGROUND: The struggle is real when it comes to finding high-quality, affordable care for our children. The Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG), the major federal child care program, helps families with the cost of child care and supports states to improve the quality and supply of care. Families deserve enriching child care options that won’t break the bank and will work for them, and child care assistance is essential for helping families find and afford the high-quality care they need! SIGN NOW to urge Congress to increase funding for Head Start and the Child Care Development Block Grant (CCDBG) in the FY 2020 budget! Your Action Status: NOT YET SIGNED UP -> Sign Up
Your Action Status: NOT YET TOLD MITCH -> Tell Mitch BACKGROUND: This year, Halloween is off-the-charts frightening because of U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s LEGISLATIVE GRAVEYARD that is actively harming women, working families, the LGBTQ+ community, the immigrant community, and our democracy. Tell Senator Mitch McConnell to SHUT DOWN his legislative graveyard! Here is a snapshot of some of the many important bills that currently sit in U.S. Senator McConnell’s legislative graveyard:
Your Action Status: NOT YET WRITTEN A LETTER -> Write a Letter BACKGROUND: Abortion care is health care, period. And most people who have abortions are already parents. Now more than ever—reproductive health care is under attack across the country. Send a Letter to the Editor to your local paper now and call on Congress to pass the Women’s Health Protection Act! We make it super easy with helpful tips and talking points. Call your Senators today and again on Wednesday, November 6th using our hotline 1-888-678-9475 BACKGROUND: Right now, Congress is looking to add bipartisan tax legislation to the end-of-year budget package. It is imperative that any tax legislation helping businesses and the rich also help low-wage workers through expansions of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and Child Tax Credit (CTC). The EITC and CTC help working families and individuals better provide for basic needs. These two tax credits together lifted 10.6 million people out of poverty in 2018, and helped millions more, demonstrating the power of federal programs to alleviate poverty and helping low-income families keep up with the increasing cost of living. Our message is simple: “Any tax package that passes this year must include improvements to the low-income tax credits: the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit.” Remember to call your Senators on November 6th using 1-888-678-9475.***We also will be holding a Twitterstorm from 12pm-2pmET using #ExpandTaxCredits, so make sure to check us out on Twitter and help us spread the word!
- Karen, Kristin, Nina, Felicia, Elyssa, Anita, and the rest of the MomsRising.org / MamásConPoder.org Team
P.S. The full list of actions is on our blog. Please share with family and friends! P.P.S. Did you get your sticker? By popular demand, we’re printing more of our “Mothers Raising Liberty & Justice” stickers that have energized MomsRising members around the nation. Contribute to MomsRising today to protect women and families — whatever you can afford — and we’ll send you this special “Mothers Raising Liberty & Justice” sticker. Register to vote! / ¡Regístrese para votar! Join our Spanish language community, MamásConPoder.org What should MomsRising tackle next? Tell us! ![]() |
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