Arizona Manufacturing Growth Highlighted At PING In Phoenix
Governor Ducey toured Arizona manufacturing leader PING and sat down for a panel focused on issues including growing trade with Canada and Mexico, expanding career and technical education programs and empowering Arizona businesses to succeed.
KTAR: Ducey: Manufacturing Jobs Outnumber Construction Jobs Now In Arizona
"A boom in manufacturing in Arizona – from electric cars to high-end golf clubs – is helping to lower unemployment in the U.S., Gov. Doug Ducey told business leaders this week, noting that manufacturing jobs in the state now outnumber construction jobs."
Reducing Arizona's Adult Education Waitlist
The Arizona State Board of Education earlier this week approved $500,000 in Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act funding provided by Governor Doug Ducey to reduce the waitlist for adult education classes.
Arizona A Model For Operational Efficiency
This week, the National Governors Association (NGA) hosted its fall chief operating officers (COO) meeting in Phoenix. The NGA’s decision to host it’s COO convening in Phoenix is a testament to the innovative work happening across Arizona’s state agencies to make government more efficient, effective and customer service-driven.