
The man who they tell us got the votes of over 80 million Americans has sure made life more difficult this year…

Whether it’s been nation-wrecking Open Borders, abandoning our own people to terrorists, or record high spikes in the price of everyday goods, it’s been crisis after crisis for the Biden-Harris regime!

Reflecting on this past year, we wanted to know… which of these has affected you and your family the most in 2021? Thanks in advance for sharing your feedback in the poll below!
There’s no shortage of crises to pick from… Folks know that this America Last administration has let us down on MULTIPLE fronts. It’s why his poll numbers dipped to levels that hearken back to Biden’s time on the campaign trail - they’ve been in the BASEMENT!

So circling back on every crisis that Joe Biden unleashed, which one was the most challenging?

Thank you for the feedback,
AZGOP Research Team