It’s November! At the stroke of midnight, the spooky Twitter names went away and it became time for us to get SERIOUS. About voting.

Still not sure if you’re one of the lucky voters who has an election on Tuesday? Check right now on Vote Save America! Once you’re there, you can see what’s on your ballot and make a plan to vote. It will take two minutes max, we promise.
Don’t have an election on Tuesday? Don’t feel left out! If you have a few hours to spare this weekend, there are a bunch of campaigns that could use a little extra love and attention, and this is your last chance to give it to them! You don’t want Wednesday morning to roll around and regret not giving it your all, now do you…? Luckily, we have a handy tool for you to find a way to help out from the comfort of your couch.
Think of this as pre-season training for the big game next year. Sports! We love ‘em. Go team!!

Vote Save America

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