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Subject Sincerely asking for $3 to elect Mandela Barnes to the U.S. Senate
Date December 4, 2021 3:31 PM
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[1]Mandela Barnes for Wisconsin

It's not every day that a candidate like Mandela Barnes runs for U.S. Senate.

He grew up in Milwaukee, in one of the most impoverished and incarcerated ZIP codes in the state. It was a community lacking resources, but brimming with joy, resilience, and hardworking, brilliant people.

His parents were both active union members who organized for better wages and workers' rights. Those union jobs were their ticket into the middle class and opened doors of opportunity that many could only dream of.

Yet for so many people across Wisconsin and across the country today - those same opportunities no longer exist.

That's what this campaign is all about. Rebuilding those bridges of opportunity, and making the American dream an American reality...for everyone.

When Mandela got into this race, he made the decision to reject corporate PAC money. And unlike some of his opponents, he doesn't have millions of dollars in personal wealth to put into this race.

That means he's counting on you to help fund this campaign.

With an important FEC fundraising deadline coming up this month, we need to ask you directly:

Can you please make a contribution to elect Mandela Barnes to the U.S. Senate? Any amount will help flip this seat and defend the Democratic majority.

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It is what we do together right now that will help determine whether Mandela Barnes defeats Ron Johnson next November.

Every donation is a step forward in that effort. So thanks for making yours today.

- Team Mandela

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