First Annual New Deal Book Award Launched

  Our first Annual New Deal Book Award is off to a good start. Fourteen books were nominated for the New Deal Book Award in 2021. The submissions feature books about New Deal artists, writers, photographers, administrators, influencers, race and resistance and the New Deal's place in American history.  A distinguished review committee led by Professor Eric Rauchway, UC Davis, includes professors Sharon Musher, Stockton College; Kimberley Johnson, NYU; Chloe Nicol Thurston, Northwestern; and Mason Williams, Williams College. 
The winner will be announced in Spring 2022 and awarded $1,000 next summer at the annual Literary Day at the FDR Library in Hyde Park, New York.
Find this year’s list of nominees here.

New Deal Map and Guide to Washington, D.C. Goes to Congress

  The latest in our series of Living New Deal city maps is making its way around Washington D.C., including the halls of Congress.  The D.C. map documents over 500 New Deal public works and artworks in the nation’s capital. Scores of local history and preservation groups and hundreds of Congress members received copies of the map ahead of the debate over the Biden infrastructure bill. Find recordings of Zoom talks and other map information on our website. For recordings, click the tab "Living New Deal team”.

Building Our Social Media Presence

  One of the Living New Deal’s goals for the coming year is to expand our presence on social media. We welcome your support! Project Historian Brent McKee's recent tweets on federal legislation engaged hundreds of new followers to our Twitterr account. Our Zoom webinars, posted to Facebook and our YouTube channel, have drawn thousands of viewers. We’re building a library of these and other videos on our New Deal Speaks page.  Our student assistant, Shae Corey, has brought us into the realm of TikTok, with videos about D.C. New Deal sites, which also are posted to our Instagram account, maintained by Project Manager Elena Ion.  We hope to keep Shae on board as our social media ambassador.

Living New Deal-New York City Chapter Update

  Our New York City Chapter (as it is now officially known) welcomed noted politician and activist Ruth Messenger to its Working Group. The chapter has a busy agenda, including webinars, public talks and posting signage at New Deal sites in partnership with the city.
To better coordinate the Living New Deal's efforts between the coasts, three members of the NYC Chapter's Working Group have joined our Core Team: Deborah Gardner, curator at Hunter College's Roosevelt House; Lou Venech, formerly of the NY-NJ Port Authority and Jeff Gold, director of the Institute for Rational Urban Mobility. Peggy Crane continues as NYC Chapter Director.
The Core Team now reaches well beyond our Bay Area origins. It includes Development Director Kurt Feichmeier in Portland, Oregon; Project Manager Elena Ion in Boston; and Project Historian Brent McKee in West Virginia. Our 51 National Associates and 37 Advisors cover virtually every state.

Thank You

We are grateful for your support during this difficult year. Your Year-End donations will keep us going strong in the year ahead.



Our mailing address is:
The Living New Deal
PO Box 2148
Berkeley, CA 94702

Susan Ives, Editor
Sheera Bleckman, Production

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