
...voters will decide key elections and ballot measures all around the country. 

Help us pass reform and defeat big money candidates! Your small donation of $5 or more keeps us going.

Here’s what MAYDAY members have been up to:

We’re pushing to WIN reforms and DEFEAT big money candidates.

Chip in to help us pass key reforms and keep us going strong into 2020.

In Albuquerque, city voters have a chance to pass an exciting new small donor financing program! The old program was gutted by the Supreme Court when it invalidated the system's matching fund provision, putting publicly financed candidates at a huge disadvantage to candidates funded by lobbyists and corporate donors. But now voters have a chance to implement a small donor system that would provide $25 Democracy Dollars for everyday residents to donate to candidates of their choice. Candidates would be able to run campaigns on small dollar donations, not big donor money!

In New York City, where turnout for elections is chronically low and candidates often win with only a plurality of the vote, voters have the chance to pass Ranked Choice Voting! RCV would totally revolutionize elections in the city. Instead of voting for a compromise choice, voters could rank their preferences and the most popular candidate would win. What a concept! Not only that, but studies have shown that in RCV systems reform-minded candidates, like those willing to take on big money, are more likely to win!

And in Virginia, we partnered with the Coalition for Integrity to help promote the Virginia Integrity Challenge! The Challenge is a pledge for candidates to post all donation info and personal conflicts of interest on their website, and it also calls for strong ethics reform. Not only are big money groups like the NRA and the Club for Growth spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy candidates in Virginia, outside billionaires like Richard Uihlein are getting involved too. That’s why we’re proud to support the Integrity Challenge and lift up candidates NOT taking big money!

Help us pass critical reforms and defeat big money candidates: $5, $10, or even $25 keeps us going!

But we know the biggest fights are ahead. We’re making our 2020 plans now and we’ll soon be rolling out district targets for our big campaigns.

The support of our grassroots donors is what keeps us going, and we are extremely grateful!

Thank you for all you do,

MAYDAY America


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MAYDAY America
1701 K Street NW, Suite 750
Washington, DC 20006
United States

Paid for by MAYDAY America LLC • Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee •
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