People For Member — One of the Far Right’s worst nightmares just came true: Stacey Abrams this week announced she’s getting in the race for Georgia governor! Stacey is one of our most courageous and effective champions for voting rights and a bold progressive vision for America. Please join us in supporting her newly announced bid for governor with a much-needed donation today and help her build the early war chest she’ll need to take on and defeat the far-right voter suppression and smear machine. Stacey Abrams was a true leader in building the turnout effort that flipped Georgia blue in 2020. But in response to those progressive victories, the Far Right in Georgia has made voter suppression their #1 priority. Stacey, my good friend and one of our movement’s strongest leaders, is the candidate to lead our movement in overcoming that voter suppression AND making sure that the future of voting in Georgia – a state that’s becoming more and more important in our national elections – is one that protects the right of its citizens to cast their ballots and have their votes count. Please chip in now to elect Stacey Abrams and support our shared fight!>> Thanks, — Ben Jealous, President