John —

You remember Louis DeJoy right?

Trump’s hand-picked Postmaster General. Who left his job as finance chair of the 2020 Republican National Convention. Who single-handedly slowed down the mail during the 2020 election by enacting the largest rollback of mail services in generations. Who remains Postmaster General nearly a full year into Biden’s presidency. You know, that guy?

Well, DeJoy is still reportedly under investigation by the FBI for an alleged campaign finance scheme of reimbursing his employees’ donations to Republican candidates with salary bonuses. He’s also wrought havoc on the Postal Service, with just 38 percent of mail last holiday season being delivered on time — an all-time low.

And earlier this year, the Washington Post reported that the United States Postal Service signed a $120 million, five-year contract with XPO Logistics, a contracting company that DeJoy’s family owns.

Yep, that’s Louis DeJoy. He’s clearly unfit to serve as Postmaster General and it’s time for this Trump crony to go. And now, the writing is on the wall.

President Biden just made two crucial nominations to the Postal Service’s Board of Governors, the one body that can vote to remove DeJoy as Postmaster General. It’s imperative that the Senate confirm these nominees so the board can finally remove DeJoy and begin to fix the problems that have plagued USPS during his tenure.

Sign my petition urging the Senate to confirm President Biden’s nominees, Daniel Tangherlini and Derek Kan, to the U.S. Postal Service’s Board of Governors. It’s time we kick Trump’s crony Louis DeJoy to the curb.


The U.S. Postal Service is one of the longest-running, most beloved public institutions in our country. For generations, it’s helped people pay bills, supported small businesses, delivered prescriptions for veterans and older Americans, and kept folks in touch.

We can finally restore the Postal Service’s basic function for decades to come by confirming Biden’s nominations. Once that happens they can appoint a Postmaster General who will always prioritize and protect the best interests of the American people.

Thank you for making your voice heard on this important issue.

— Adam