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See what it means for America.
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The House passed the Build Back Better Act — a major piece of legislation representing the largest investments in working people and communities in our lifetime.

Passing this legislation shows us that grassroots mobilization pays off. Finally, we are so close to winning the investments needed to start combatting the climate crisis at the scale it demands — AND prioritizing the disadvantaged urban and rural communities at the frontlines of poverty and pollution.  

Here’s what we’re most excited to see included in the Build Back Better Act: 

  • Air and water pollution reductions focused in frontline communities that have been disproportionately burdened by inequitable environmental impacts. 
  • A Civilian Climate Corps that would create good-paying, green jobs for 300,000 people, putting a new generation to work conserving our public lands and waters. 
  • Robust tax incentives for clean energy, transmission, vehicles, manufacturing, innovative technologies, and energy efficiency that will save households hundreds of dollars annually.
  • $29 billion to establish a National Climate Bank, with $15 billion being directly invested in disadvantaged and low-income communities, making this the largest environmental justice investment in U.S. history. 

Now Build Back Better goes to the Senate. If it passes there, it will go to Biden’s desk to be signed into law. We need all hands on deck to make sure this bill makes it over the finish line! Can you make a call to your Senator right now? Even If you've already called, call again, your senator needs to hear from you! 

Call Now

Together, we’ve held the line for months — hundreds of you made calls and wrote letters to demand that Congress pass this legislation with stronger, more equitable climate investments to build a green, sustainable economy.

We still have a lot of work to do to ensure that these investments make it to the communities that need it most  — but we’ve never been closer than we are right now. 

Thank you for your continued activism,
— Jessie Buendia 
Dream Corps Green For All National Director 

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436 14th St, Suite 920
Oakland, CA 94612

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