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Minnesota Family Council



Last summer we released the Parent Resource Guide to educate and equip parents, churches, pro-family legislators and other allies across Minnesota to respond to the transgender trend.  It struck a nerve. We’ve distributed almost 5,000 printed copies and it was downloaded hundreds of times!

And then it happened…

We started hearing from allies across the country, asking us to create versions that they could use in their states, a national version, and one targeted at teachers and school administrators too!

It’s really no surprise. After all, the transgender movement is impacting communities across the country and it’s a matter of deep concern for many parents, legislators and educators.

We’ve seen too many cases of lawsuits against schools, the violation of students’ privacy rights and the usurping of parental rights. It’s clear that accommodation is not enough for transgender activists. Their goal is total surrender to their agenda. Something has to be done … and it starts with education.

So we’re thrilled by this development, but need to allocate resources into these adaptations, to ensure that they retain the quality and integrity of the original content.

Would you consider a gift of $25, $50, $100, or even more, as God leads, to help us adapt the Parent Resource Guide for these new audiences? Click the "Donate" button below to make your gift today!

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Visit GenderResourceGuide.com to check out the landing page for requesting the national version of the Parent Resource Guide.  Orders are already pouring in!

In Christ Jesus,

john helmberger copy2.jpg John Helmberger, Chief Executive Officer
Minnesota Family Council 


P.S. The Parent Resource Guide really is a big deal. In these confused times, it's more important than ever to stand up for truth about God's design for our bodies and our families. That's what we're doing, with God's help.

Your gift of $25, $50, $100 or even more today, as God leads, will help us bless parents and families across our state and around the country. Thank you and God bless! 

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Minnesota Family Council/Minnesota Family Institute
2855 Anthony Lane South
Minneapolis, MN, 55418-3265
Phone 612.789.8811 / FAX 612.789.8858

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