From Index on Censorship <[email protected]>
Subject Greek media freedom | Who is the Tyrant of the Year 2021?
Date December 3, 2021 4:24 PM
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Friday, 03 December 2021

** Turning back the tide: the refugee crisis tests Greek media freedom
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New refugee arrivals in Kos in 2015. Photo: Stephen Ryan / IFRC

The Dutch journalist Ingeborg Beugel has been living and working in Greece for 40 years but was recently forced to flee back to the Netherlands after asking tough questions of the prime minister of Greece over migrant push-back and attracting a torrent of online abuse and a physical attack. It highlights growing restrictions on the freedom of the media in Greece. Read the story here ([link removed]) .

** Join Turkish playwright Meltem Arikan at our Winter magazine launch
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How is Turkish theatre resisting censorship and oppression? Join playwright Meltem Arikan, writer Kaya Genç, and Kate Maltby for a recital and Q&A at the virtual launch of the Winter issue of Index on Censorship magazine on Monday 13 December, 1300-1400 GMT.

In the new issue we engage with the writers, playwrights, and actors using the theatre to resist oppression and censorship. With a particular focus on Turkey, this launch event looks closer at the potential of the theatre, the impact of censorship on culture and literature, and the risks of speaking out.

Register for your free place now. ([link removed])
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** Vote for your Tyrant of the Year 2021
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At the end of every year, Index on Censorship launches a campaign to focus attention on human rights defenders, artists and journalists who have been in the news headlines during the past twelve months and their oppressors.

This year, we are asking for your help in identifying the Tyrant of the Year. There is fierce competition, with many rulers choosing to use the cover of Covid to clamp down on their opponents.

Up for the award this year are (in alphabetical order): Aleksandr Lukashenka (Belarus), Ali Khameini (Iran), Bashar al-Assad (Syria), Donald Trump (USA), Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow (Turkmenistan), Jair Bolsonaro (Brazil), Kim Jong Un (North Korea), Min Aung Hlaing (Myanmar), Mohammad Hasan Akhund (Afghanistan), Nicolas Maduro (Venezuela), Paul Kagame (Rwanda), Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Turkey), Sheikh Hasina (Bangladesh), Teodor Obiang (Equatorial Guinea), Vladimir Putin (Russia) and Xi Jinping (China).

Register your vote here. ([link removed])
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