It's Voting Time

Snow flurries may have officially been spotted in Indiana this week. But before we enter the winter or holiday season, it’s time to finish – and finish strong – our current season: campaign season. And campaign season has now reached its peak – voting time!

With early voting now available and Election Day approaching on Tuesday, over the next few days you’ll see Governor Holcomb and me joining our Republican mayoral candidates and municipal teams throughout the state. Earlier today we were in Lawrence and Muncie, and tonight we’ll be in Fort Wayne. Tomorrow we’ll be in Elkhart, Valparaiso, and Kokomo, and then we’ll finish strong on Monday in Terre Haute, Washington, Jeffersonville, and New Albany. 

It’s a lot of miles in three days, but it’s critical that we make sure that we help these local candidates cross the finish line first on Election Night, because Governor Holcomb needs partners at the local level to help keep Indiana on the right track.

And you can help, too. Go vote this weekend, go vote Monday morning, or head to the polls anytime between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. on Tuesday. Every vote matters (especially in our local races), so let’s finish strong and ensure that Republican leaders can continue to deliver results in cities and towns throughout our state.

PHOTO: Earlier today, Governor Holcomb and Indiana GOP Chairman Kyle Hupfer campaigned in Muncie to support mayoral candidate Dan Ridenour. This is the second of 10 campaign stops Governor Holcomb is making across the state between now and the election.

Governor Holcomb's Week That Was 
Indiana’s Future Leaders: Halloween Edition
It’s been another busy, but fun-filled week for Governor Holcomb! He hosted Halloween at the Governor’s Residence, where trick-or-treaters also had the opportunity to meet First Lady Janet Holcomb and First Dog Henry dressed up as a dinosaur at the Jurassic Park-themed party! He also welcomed over 70,000 attendees of the 92nd Annual FFA Convention to Indiana. 
  • Governor Holcomb welcomed trick-or-treaters to the Governor’s Residence for a unique Halloween experience. While there, trick-or-treaters also had the opportunity to meet First Lady Janet Holcomb and First Dog Henry dressed up! Trick-or-treating at the Governor’s Residence has always been a fun tradition for families in the area!
  • Governor Holcomb also welcomed attendees of the Annual FFA Convention to Indiana. The FFA is a youth organization that helps promote and support agricultural education in middle school and high school. With Indiana’s long agricultural history, it makes sense for the FFA to host their convention in the Hoosier State!
Governor Holcomb is continuing the theme of Putting People First. Hosting trick-or-treaters and their families or giving a warm greeting to FFA Convention attendees will leave a long lasting, positive impact for Indiana’s future leaders!
Vote Now!

Early voting is underway for municipal elections throughout Indiana! Have you voted yet? If not, this weekend is a great time opportunity! 

Visit the Indiana Secretary of State’s Official Voter Portal – – now to get your latest voting info, including a full list of candidates on your ballot, your polling (and early voting) locations and hours, and more!
Easy Way to Make a Big Difference:
Statewide Republican Phone Bank:

Want to help our Indiana Republican mayoral candidates, but don't know how? Join your Indiana Republican Party this weekend, Monday and Tuesday to help make phone calls to voters, encouraging them to get out and vote for our Republican mayoral candidates across the state!
We’ve got multiple days of fun phone banks – and lots of opportunities to help:
Indiana GOP Phone Banks
Indiana GOP HQ – Downtown Indianapolis

Friday, Nov. 1: 5 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Saturday, Nov. 2: 9 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Sunday, Nov. 3: 12 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Monday, Nov. 4: 9 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 5: 9 p.m. – 5:45 p.m.

It’s an easy way to make a big difference to help our candidates win their races and deliver results for Hoosiers. RSVP here now!
Upcoming Republican Events
November 1: Brown County Lincoln Day Dinner
November 1: Sullivan County Fall Dinner 
November 5: Election Day
November 14: 23rd Annual Henry County Republican Club Speech Contest for HS Students 
December 6: Greater Indianapolis Republican Women's Club Holiday Luncheon and Silent Auction December 14: IRFW Holiday Brunch

**Have an upcoming Republican event not listed here? Let us know at [email protected]p! **

News You Can Use

Governor Eric Holcomb attends commissioning of USS Indianapolis in Burns Harbor
Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch gives advice to aspiring female politicians
Secretary of State Connie Lawson encourages early voting
Auditor Tera Klutz promotes National Retirement Security Week
Senator Todd Young promotes Drain Act to move federal agencies to middle America
Senator Mike Braun supports Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act
Congresswoman Jackie Walorski continues to raise awareness of school bus safety
Congressman Jim Banks says President Trump was right when going after al-Baghdadi
Congressman Jim Baird promotes resources for opioid addiction
Congresswoman Susan Brooks introduces bill to increase funding for breast screenings
Congressman Greg Pence helped assemble USO care packages for service members
Congressman Larry Bucshon supports aluminum association establishing monitoring system
Congressman Trey Hollingsworth discusses using bridge to "revitalize" New Albany

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Indiana Republican State Committee, Inc. · 101 W. Ohio St., Suite 2200 · Indianapolis, IN 46204 · USA