Please add your name to help us reach 50,000 signatures.
Dear John
Despite the devastating climate impacts already being felt by people and nature, the UK government is still offering £850 million in financial support for a fossil fuel mega-project in Mozambique.
We're challenging this decision in the High Court next week. You can speak out too by signing our petition – demanding the government sticks to its climate commitments and ditches its support for the project.
Will you help us reach 50,000 signatures before we deliver the petition on Tuesday?
I'LL SIGN THE PETITION ([link removed])
Following last night's news about Shell pulling out of the Cambo oil field project, its high time the Prime Minister ditched his support for fossil fuels.
I’ve included my original email below, where you can learn more about the devastating climate impacts of the Mozambique project – and how adding your voice can help us hold the government to account.
Thank you so much for all your support.
All the best,
Climate campaigner
PS. I've just found out that we've hit our £140,000 Big Give Christmas Challenge target! Thank you so much to everyone who donated.
Dear John
According to the Prime Minister, “humanity has long since run down the clock on climate change. It’s one minute to midnight on that doomsday clock, and we need to act now.”
But right now, his own government is pledging US$1.15 billion (£850 million) to support a massive gas project off the coast of Mozambique. That’s not fighting climate breakdown, that’s fuelling the fire.
We’re challenging the government’s decision to support the project in court next month. But it doesn’t have to come to this – the Prime Minister can still withdraw support. Will you sign a petition asking him to stand by his commitment to climate action?
I'LL SIGN THE PETITION ([link removed])
By his own admission at COP26, a 2°C global temperature rise would jeopardise the food supply for hundreds of millions of people as “crops wither and locusts swarm”.
But Mr Johnson’s government used a 2°C scenario when it decided it was OK to throw public money behind the Mozambique gas project [1]. The decision goes against everything scientists tell us.
If we want to limit a temperature rise to 1.5°C then we must reduce emissions immediately by ending all UK support for coal, oil, and gas – here and abroad.
Last year we celebrated a huge triumph when the government announced it would stop investing in new fossil fuels overseas – and supporters like you helped us get there. Big change is possible. Now we need the government to stick to its own policies.
So will you sign our petition asking the Prime Minister to pull funding for the Mozambique gas project?
I'LL SIGN THE PETITION ([link removed])
During COP26 we heard of the devastating climate impacts already faced by people across the world – whose lives are threatened by extreme weather.
Wealthy nations like ours have done the most to contribute to the climate crisis. So we should be helping vulnerable countries adapt and transition to renewable energy. The least the UK government should do right now is to stop propping up fossil fuel projects. And stop lining the pockets of big polluters.
Mozambique is one of the poorest countries in the world. Local people are already suffering as a result of the project [2]. And their lives will get worse, not better, if the UK keeps supporting it.
Pressure on the government is at an all-time high after the UN climate talks.
Now’s our chance to demand it takes its commitment to climate action seriously – starting by pulling out of this dirty gas project. Will you sign our petition asking the Prime Minister to stand by his word?
I'LL SIGN MY NAME ([link removed])
Thanks so much for all that you do.
All the best,
Rachel Kennerley
Climate campaigner
[1] Read the article here ([link removed]) .
[2] Find out more here ([link removed]) .
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